
Friday, March 13, 2020

Samoan Scratch Programme

Hey Bloggies!

We are learning Samoan every Wednesday and over the last two weeks we have been learning how to count to ten.  I found this quite easy as it is very similar to counting to 10 in Maori.  Today we used Scratch to code a programme that would show people how to count to ten in Samoan.  Check it out!  Can you count to 10 in any other language?

scratch is a drag and drop programming website where you can create your own little programs for free on your computer. this is like my mean, median and mode project that i made in numeracy.

See ya soon!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Averages coding

Hey Bloggies!

Back at it with  another Davies numeracy post! In numeracy we have been learning about the averages mean, median and mode. we used the coding programme scratch to make a game to teach people about the different averages.

All you have to do is type in the average you want to learn about. Why don't you try it it out!

As you can see it tells you what the average means and gives you an example to read so you understand it better.

See ya soon!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Wall Sit Histograms

Hey Bloggies!

In Davies numeracy we have been using data from a wall sit experiment we did doing a wall sit with one foot off the ground and seeing how long we could hold it for. We did this experiment with our dominant foot off the ground, our non dominant foot off the ground and with no shoes. We then turned this information into a frequency table and then a histogram. We put all of our information onto a google slide which i did with Riley Gray.

Here is my slide!

We included a frequency table, our graph, 3 statements and whether or not we thought most people lasted more than a minute for all of the experiments.

See ya soon!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

My Sestina | NZ writing

Hey Bloggies! 

For literacy we wrote sestinas. we are doing this for an NZ writing thing where we do a whole bunch of writing projects and send them to another school and they send theirs to us.
Here is mine!

The on the spot grocery shop
The long boring car ride
Family squished inside of the car
Cotton candy rained down
going to the marlborough sounds
The burger was the most delicious

We are sending these to Fairfield intermediate school in Hamilton.

See ya soon!

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Canva Posters

Hey Bloggies!

As part of our inquiry, we made posters about a charity of our choice. We had to research the charity and what it did, then we made a canva poster using the information that we found.  My first charity is the SPCA - it is a great organisation that looks after animals that have been abandoned, injured, not wanted by their owners.  They help the animals to recover and hopefully find new homes for them.  If you find an injured animal and can't find its owner, call the SPCA. 

A lot of the time, kids need a person to talk to, someone to listen to what they have to say and help them without making any judgements.  Sometimes parents can do this, but some kids don't have this option for lots of different reasons.  If you need help with a personal situation (not your homework) then you can call kidsline and they will listen and guide you through your problems if you want them to

See ya soon!